Lynn Kirabo, Ph.D.
Buildings on Harvey Mudd's campus at dusk

Credit, Harvey Mudd

I enjoy teaching students classes at the intersection of HCI, Accessibility, and Intro CS for non-CS majors. My teaching philosophy is heavily influenced by my experiences as an instructor and student in multiple departments on two different continents.

Harvey Mudd College (Claremont, CA)

  • [Fall '24] CS123 HM - Computing Practices, Projects, and People. This course dives into the technical and professional skills necessary to plan, execute, document, and present computational projects beyond a classroom.
  • [Spring '24] CLES120 HM - Games for Climate Change Literacy. Students will learn to use human-computer interaction methodologies, behavioral theories, and the transformational framework to design climate change literacy games with the intention of inspiring positive behavioral change in players.
  • [Fall '23] CS 181AM, User-Cent. Research & Evaluation (181AM STAR). This course is an introduction to Human-computer interaction (HCI) methods. Students will complete a number of mini group projects that will give them hands on experience with HCI methods.

Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA)

  • 05-499/899, Climate-focused Transformational Games (Fall 2022). This studio course will be focused on designing playful experiences around Climate Change. Students will learn how to create games rooted in behaviorial theories.

  • 05-499/899, Tranformational Games Design Studio (Fall 2021). This is a studio course designed for those who want to create games that allow players to pause and reflect. Students completed 3 projects on Climate Change, networking at social events, and doctoral advising.

  • 05-430/630, Programmable User Interfaces (Spring 2021). This is at the intersection of an intensive programming lab and design studio. Students learned to express their interactive ideas in prototypes. Student projects were built using HTML/CSS/JS.

  • 05-410/610, User-Centered Research & Evaluation (Spring 2020). This is an introductory and core course in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute. It equiped students with a systematic approach to design through observation, analysis and empirical evaluation methods.

Carnegie Mellon University, Africa (Kigali, Rwanda)

  • 18-641, Java For Smartphone Development (Spring 2015). This course provided an intensive exploration of object-oriented programming. Students built their final projects using Java/Apache/Android.

  • 04-611, Strategic Use of Digital Information (Fall 2014). This course equiped students with knowlegde of a new generation of technologies, that will inturn shape the next generation of businesses.